


ORIGIN: Brazil

Very few things in life are as important as a full night of restorative sleep. Unfortunately, that is also one of the most elusive things for someORIGIN:


In order to build the future you want, you have to lay the proper foundation. Red Jasper is the stone to use when you’re looking to create stability and progress in your life. By helping you tap into your willpower, Red Jasper enables you to pursue your passion with determination. Use a Red Jasper Point to set an intention to see your goals through. of us to achieve every single night. If you find yourself unable to wind down, defocus, and slow down enough to sink into deep sleep, connect with the peaceful energy of our Sleep Crystal Bundle — it combines 3 powerful elements that help you put your mind, body and spirit to bed and dropping you gently into to a state of pure relaxation.

This sleep bundle includes a Calming Stones bag filled with Lepidolite, Fluorite and Amethyst, an Amethyst essential oil roller, and an Amethyst crystal eye mask.


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